Sometimes we get tired of eating lunch and dinner at home, albeit cozy, but four walls. Then it’s time to go to the restaurant. As a rule, the ladies pull out of the closet on such an occasion their best clothes, and men think about ties. It would seem that nothing can spoil the way out in public and destroy the atmosphere of the holiday. However, much depends on behavior and observance of elementary rules of etiquette. It is worth observing them to keep pleasant memories of the evening and not to lose face in front of relatives, other visitors and service staff.
Of course, the rules of restaurant etiquette vary depending on the national and cultural characteristics of one or another nation. However, we have tried to derive universal rules that will be relevant in any company. These precepts of restaurant etiquette must be followed by a well-bred and intelligent person.

1. Choose the right place
The most intelligent solution is to book a table in advance. In good restaurants, even on weekdays there is a special influx of guests, let alone Friday and the weekend. If you do not book a table or the decision came spontaneously, then resolve all questions with the administrator. In many restaurants his desk is located right at the entrance. So that neither you nor he missed each other. However, you can enter the restaurant just at the moment when the administrator deals with other guests.
Do not go straight into the hall and take the first empty seat you like. You can get into an awkward situation, because the table may already be reserved. It would seem that nothing bad, but the impression is already blurred. Immediately ask the administrator, who will tell you about the availability of free seats and their location. And here you can choose a table that you like the most.
2. Stay at ease
Perhaps the most important rule is to keep your mind at ease and enjoy what’s going on. Let go of all the extra tension and excitement. Yes, you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone – it’s time to have fun. Enjoy what’s going on and the pleasant atmosphere around you.
Going to a restaurant is not just about the food. It’s the process that counts. You are wearing fine clothes, gallant waiters around, ready to fulfill any whim, you are surrounded by exquisite interior, and design solutions pleasing to the eye. Be the hero of the evening and make the most of it.
3. Start the evening off right
It doesn’t matter what kind of company you’re going to visit the restaurant. It can be a romantic dinner for two or an evening with a large group. One of the most important rules of restaurant etiquette is to start dinner with everyone. This means that you should not start using your fork and knife for your intended purpose until your tablemates have brought the food you ordered.
While the rule is strict, it is conditional. Simply ask the waiter in advance to bring the dishes at about the same time, then there will not be an awkward situation where some wait for others. By the way, this is not fatal either. Since hot dishes get cold quickly, and your friends are understanding people, wait for their approval and feel free to start the meal. And if your buddies happen to be the lucky ones with ready-made food, don’t be stingy and give them the green light to eat. That way they won’t feel awkward about starting the meal without you.
4. Don’t be intimidated by the variety of cutlery
In restaurants, as a rule, it’s not just a fork and knife. Although we don’t use many cutlery in our daily lives, we shouldn’t be afraid of them. Everything is very simple. It’s enough to remember the order in which the dishes are served. After orienting yourself, start the meal with the devices that are farthest from the plate, and gradually move to those that are located closer. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake, you’re not at a reception for the Queen of England. Enjoy your dinner.
5. Use a napkin
A napkin is a truly unique serving object. Not only is it a decorative accessory, but it also makes your meal easier. In restaurants it is not uncommon to find people ignoring this item by hook or by crook, and pretending it does not exist. Do not be afraid of the napkin, and take care of it – even more so, because in the first place it is a means of hygiene.
The only thing worth remembering is a small rule: the tissue should be placed on your lap, and not tied around the throat. Also, never hesitate to ask the waiter to replace the napkin if yours is no longer suitable for further use.
6. Don’t talk loudly
The restaurant is a relatively confined space. Loud voices and unrestrained laughter are inappropriate here. Of course, you shouldn’t restrain yourself if you want to laugh, especially if you have a great company. But try to do it so that not to disturb other visitors. They all want to be in a quiet and pleasant environment. And it doesn’t matter what it is, a romantic date or a business meeting.
7. Try not to use a cell phone
Modern society suffers from one big and total disease called “modern technology. We don’t let gadgets out of our hands. We share current news on Twitter, we virtuosely type messages on social networks, we share photos and videos. The phone never leaves our hands, even at lunch. Remember that you came to a restaurant to enjoy the company of your friends, family and loved ones and to taste delicious and gourmet food, not to spend time with your smartphone. On top of that, it’s rude to talk on your phone at the table.
8. Treat the waiters politely
The person with the tray also determines how you spend the evening. A polite, tidy waiter with a great sense of humor can make a significant contribution to the overall experience of the evening. Being rude and arrogant to a person who is doing their job is only indicative of a lack of breeding. In addition, polite manners in dealing with the waiter at a romantic dinner will help the gentleman to charm the lady even more.
9. Forget the mirror
This point applies to beautiful ladies. All women, regardless of age, like to feel beautiful and confident. Especially when it comes to going out in public. Before the companion, friends, business partners and ordinary visitors want to appear in the best possible light. The temptation to pull out a powder compact or a pocket mirror at the table is very great. In order to make sure that everything is under control, enough and a couple of seconds. But suppress this urge in yourself. It is indecent to look in the mirror during a meal. If you need to fix your makeup or hair, go to the ladies’ room.
10. Leave a tip
If you go to a restaurant, calculate your expenses with tips in mind. It’s an essential attribute of going out. It’s how you show your manners and express your gratitude to the service staff. Of course remember that leaving a tip is not your direct and unconditional duty, but your wish. If the service for some reason was far from ideal and the waiter behaved arrogantly and rudely, then no tip is out of the question. By the way, in some countries tea is usually already included in the bill. The amount of gratuity also varies. On average, it is 10-15% of the total bill.